Monday, July 16, 2012

"Looks like I'm gonna shave it!"

Hi Ofer, got my photos thanks. I think it need to give shaving my head some serious thought but it looks like I'm gonna shave it!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

I'm such a great person!

This guy asked if I can shave 3 persons within about 24 hours.
I did it without waiting for his payment, but he didn't see it on time..

My ears really stick out :(

"Thanks, this is great!  I always wonder if I should shave my head rather than fight the battle.  But my ears really stick out, ha.  Thanks again!"

"Thanks :)
'But my ears really stick out' - not really. you just have to get use to it :)
Good luck!"
Ofer (BaldlyGo)

Still ugly?

"Thank you. I received the pictures and they look great, though I can't necessarily say the same for the face. :)"


"Thanks Ofer, I got the photos. They look good and realistic. As much as I feel I would look silly without hair, these pics seem to say otherwise, at least to me. Thanks again! Your head shaving service is awesome." 

I look 100% better

"Thanks for getting these to me I will show her tonight, funny thing is that everybody I show this to has said I look 100% better and should shave right away."

I actually think I can pull off this look

"Thanks for the photos! I actually think I can pull off this look. I really appreciate how many variations you made. I have downloaded the file so you can delete it at your leisure. Again, thank you very much, you did an excellent job."