Sunday, December 9, 2012

I can finally see..

Thank you very much! I can finally see how I will look with a shaved head, accurately! Great job. If you would like you can share the photos in the testimonial blog if you would like. 
Original Photo:

 Bald + one of the goatee versions:

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thank you for the quick response & photo's.  It is obvious that the bald look is not a good look for me & I believe a buzz cut or a very short-short haircut could be my best option.
Is there a possibility of you putting some short hair back on & be able to look at those results???  I would pay extra for this.  Just let me know the charge.


My reply:
I think you can safely shave it :)
But, sure, let me send the extra version. No extra payment is needed.
I'll send it within a day or two :)

it's a trip!

Successfully downloaded Ofer. 

What you do is really cool and very useful. 
And it's a trip. ha ha ha
A very useful benefit of having the pics is that it gives the person a chance to warm up to the look over time. 
It's a little surprising at first glance for sure, but won't be after several viewings, and then the decision can be made once the initial impression softens.

Really cool service Ofer. 

Good idea!

Peace out.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

"I'm really considering this now"

This guy have sent two photos for virtual headshave. Here is his response :
"Thank you so much!  Doesn't look nearly as bad as I thought it would!  I'm really considering this now.  :)"

Thursday, October 18, 2012

"looks better than i thought "

Got the pics, looks better than i thought it would. I think i might just go ahead and shave it off. Seems to look ok :)
You can share the photos if u like.

"Don't look as bad as I thought I would"

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Real beauty doesn't need hair

"Thank You dearly, for helping me... Without your virtual picture, I would still be hiding behind my hair. I have told anyone that will listen, and will continue to tell them about your talents.  I will always hold on to the words you spoke to me. 'Real beauty doesn't need hair.' God bless you.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

"God bless you, Ofer"

"OMG! I'm taking it in..... Wow, I feel like I could pull it off, but oh my.... lol... I appreciate your help. You have nudged me a bit forward. Now I need remaining courage to get in that chair. God bless you, Ofer.  :). I am going to facebook it and tag you, if that is ok. First, I want to see what people say when they think I went through with it."


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

It makes taking this option a lot easier.

Thanks so much Ofer! I downloaded the file and was pleasantly surprised to see my head shape. It makes taking this option a lot easier.

Monday, July 16, 2012

"Looks like I'm gonna shave it!"

Hi Ofer, got my photos thanks. I think it need to give shaving my head some serious thought but it looks like I'm gonna shave it!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

I'm such a great person!

This guy asked if I can shave 3 persons within about 24 hours.
I did it without waiting for his payment, but he didn't see it on time..

My ears really stick out :(

"Thanks, this is great!  I always wonder if I should shave my head rather than fight the battle.  But my ears really stick out, ha.  Thanks again!"

"Thanks :)
'But my ears really stick out' - not really. you just have to get use to it :)
Good luck!"
Ofer (BaldlyGo)

Still ugly?

"Thank you. I received the pictures and they look great, though I can't necessarily say the same for the face. :)"


"Thanks Ofer, I got the photos. They look good and realistic. As much as I feel I would look silly without hair, these pics seem to say otherwise, at least to me. Thanks again! Your head shaving service is awesome." 

I look 100% better

"Thanks for getting these to me I will show her tonight, funny thing is that everybody I show this to has said I look 100% better and should shave right away."

I actually think I can pull off this look

"Thanks for the photos! I actually think I can pull off this look. I really appreciate how many variations you made. I have downloaded the file so you can delete it at your leisure. Again, thank you very much, you did an excellent job."