Monday, November 19, 2012

it's a trip!

Successfully downloaded Ofer. 

What you do is really cool and very useful. 
And it's a trip. ha ha ha
A very useful benefit of having the pics is that it gives the person a chance to warm up to the look over time. 
It's a little surprising at first glance for sure, but won't be after several viewings, and then the decision can be made once the initial impression softens.

Really cool service Ofer. 

Good idea!

Peace out.


1 comment:

Mark said...

OK, so I finally did it after all of the kicking and screaming, and I could NOT be happier.

After you sent me my pics, I was still hesitant, but the ladies loved them.

I finally shaved it a month ago.
Wow!!!! I wasted so many years and carried with me 24/7 embarrassment.

Shaving it all off is really the only "real" solution. The rest of the hair-loss industry is just there to empty your bank account.

My confidence is back, and the ladies really do LOVE it.

Interactions with women are back to where they used to be years ago. Women think it's sexy, and you'll notice how much differently they approach and interact with you.

Trying to cover a football field with a small ball of yarn will never work, and you'll always feel like an idiot because you know how bad your hair looks, and these days with everyone taking pics and videos all the time, man, having bad hair is just the worst.

I should have done this years ago!!!!

When women see you holding on to scraps, they think you're just a fool. There's no fooling anyone, not even yourself.

This is the BEST thing I've done for myself in ages, and having the pics from you was the best way to get there. I started showing them around, and noticed the reactions were all positive.

Bad hair makes you feel bad all day every day, and that will never improve.

You don't lose your confidence due to your lack of ability to grow hair, since that's completely out of your control.

You lose your confidence because it looks like crap, and you're not doing anything about it, and you keep parading it around in public.

Reclaim your life, and your manhood.

Do it.